Who Was Joseph Jagger And Where Did He Come From?

Joseph Jagger, not the real name of the Rolling Stones’ lead vocalist, is famed for being one of the “guys who broke the bank at Monte Carlo.” According to history, Joseph Jagger, a mechanic turned legend, went to the roulette table and beat it like few others before him. The storey is fascinating, as told in Hon. Victor Bethell’s book Monte Carlo Anecdotes and Systems of Play, published in 1901, but the legacy is arguably more significant.
What Exactly Did He Do?
Joseph Jagger, or Jaggers for short, postulated that no Roulette wheel can be completely flawless, which means that some people will like certain areas of the wheel over others, and that some people will prefer one over the other greatly. He found one that did precisely that, and with a crew of six clerks, he focused on placing bets in the wheel’s favourite section.
They allegedly broke the bank in Monte Carlo, allegedly walked away with £12 million (£120,000 at the time). What he allegedly proved was that his theory is correct, that you can watch a Roulette wheel, spot its flaws by looking at where the ball lands the most, and then bet on which way it leans.
Fact vs. Legend
Despite significant coverage in Hon. Victor Bethell’s book, stories of whether or not Jaggers ever existed are hotly debated. In fact, the Wikipedia article on the man has been pulled down due to a lack of supplementary sources. With that said, the storey itself contains intriguing thought qualifiers, and a historian claiming to be his descendant intends to compile evidence of his existence, his beating of the casino, and more by examining documents, first-person accounts, and other sources. Whatever format she chooses, we’re looking forward to reading or witnessing her discoveries. No casino player will want to miss out on that documentary or documentation. If you are interested in more facts from the past, check out our article on the history of gambling.
The Repercussions of His Mystique
The narrative of Mick Jaggers is fascinating because of the inspiration it provides. We all know that the casino has an advantage in any casino game you play against them, which is known as the house edge. When it comes to Blackjack, card counting and card edging can offer the player an advantage over the casino, but when it comes to Roulette, beating it is impossible. However, assuming that no Roulette wheel is perfect, you can potentially boost your payouts. It’s also possible that the dealer develops a prejudice once they’ve settled into a routine. It appears that by maintaining a close eye on where the ball lands for an extended length of time, you can improve your odds of beating the house edge. With that stated, roulette wheels have come a long way since the late 1800s, and they are genuinely suited for an online casino. Unless you hack into the system and conduct an international crime, there is no way to cheat it.
Others, such as Mick Jagger
At Monte Carlo, Joseph Jagger isn’t the only one who has made a fortune. Other tales include Charles Deville Wells, who took the casino in 1891 and is a source of inspiration for individuals who enjoy taking money from casinos. Lord Rosslyn and Sam Lewis bet black seventeen times in a row and won each time. Big Steel’s Charles M. Schwab allegedly broke the bank, as did Kenneth Mackenzie Clark, who used his profits to purchase a golf club and a hotel. For his bank robbery, Arthur de Courcy Bower was sentenced to prison, but not before betting and winning the maximum at the casino eighteen times in a row.